How Long Can You Expect Your Car Lift To Last?

You may wonder how long you can expect your car lift to last if you’re a business owner or contractor interested in installing one or who has already made an investment. With proper maintenance and attention, car lifts can last for many years, providing safe, efficient vehicle storage in many settings. Learn the typical lifespans of various car lifts, ways to prolong their longevity, and the importance of maintaining or replacing old lifts.


The lifespan of a car lift depends on several factors, such as usage, maintenance, and environmental conditions. However, high-quality parking lifts from reputable manufacturers typically last for 15 to 20 years and, with proper care, can last even longer. Lifts that operate daily will require more attention and maintenance or they could experience a shorter lifespan. Conversely, less frequently used lifts can outlast others and require less maintenance. It’s also important to note that different types of car lifts may have varying life expectancies.


  1. Here are some tips for maintaining your parking lift to promote smooth operation and longer life expectancy:

  2. Regular maintenance and inspection: Adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintaining your specific car lift, which may include oil changes, cable adjustments, hydraulic system checks, and overall inspections.

  3. Avoid overloading: Overloading your lift can cause immediate safety risks and put undue stress on the lift’s components, which may shorten its lifespan.

  4. Secure each car: Properly secure the car to the lift, avoiding sudden shifts which may damage the equipment.

  5. Keep the lift clean and free of debris: Regularly clean your lift, ensuring it’s free from dirt and debris that could cause wear and tear.


Maintaining and replacing old car lifts prolongs the life of the equipment, ensures safety, and reduces the risk of accidents, injuries, and costly repairs. Neglected and faulty car lifts can lead to disastrous consequences, such as damage to the cars being lifted or even serious injury to workers.

It is best to repair or replace old models if you’re questioning your lift’s quality, as doing so offers the assurance that your car lift is functioning at its optimal capacity. Regular repairs and timely replacement promote safe daily vehicle storage, preventing costly damages, and upholding a professional reputation within your business.

The car lift’s lifespan depends on its type, usage, and maintenance, but with proper care, you can maximize how long you can expect your car lift to last. You can ensure both the safety of your workspace and the preservation of your investment by taking the necessary precautions and diligently maintaining your car lift. Our team at Harding Steel can help if you’d like to learn more about parking lifts and their care and maintenance. We’ll match you with the perfect parking lift for your business and provide all the lifespan and care details you need.